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Travel, 1997 - 2000

Identifier: D.

Scope and Contents

From the Series:

The Personal Papers series includes resumes and biographical information for both Cathy Simon and Karen Alschuler, as well as some personal correspondence, travel slides, photographs, and a some student work from Simons' work at Harvard and Alschulers' work at UC Berkeley.The materials were arranged in this series/sub-series by the archivists; there was no pre-existing original order.


  • Creation: 1997 - 2000

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research. Many of the Environmental Design Archives collections are stored offsite and advance notice is required for use. Digital files are available with advanced request in the Environmental Design Archives (EDA) reading room and are not available online. Some born digital materials are not able to be accessed with current technology at this time. Please contact the EDA for more information.


From the Series: 2 Linear Feet:

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the University of California, Berkeley. College of Environmental Design. Environmental Design Archives Repository

230 Bauer Wurster Hall #1820
Berkeley CA 94720-1820 USA